Bradpole’s Memorials & Monuments

Bradpole’s memorials to those that served and to those that lost their lives in the World wars of the twentieth century can be found in and around the churchyard at Holy Trinity, Bradpole.

In March 2022 Bradpole Parish Council financed the refurbishment of the text on the WW1 memorial,

“We shall not forget them”.

The text on the Bradpole Village WW1 Memorial refurbished in March 2022
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WW2 Memorial at Holy Trinity Church Bradpole

The King Charles II Memorial Stone, Lee Lane

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King Charles II Stone

William Cromwell defeated Charles II at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651, and Charles fled to mainland Europe (apparently via Lee Lane, Bradpole, on 23rd September 1651).

King Charles II escape via Bridport 1651

The long distance Monarch’s Way footpath traces the route through Bridport.

The inscription reads that the Stone was erected on 23rd September 1901 being the 350th anniversary.

The King Charles Stone was moved when road works were undertaken on the A 35. It spent some time in storage in Dorchester and was later returned to the care of Bradpole Parish. As can be seen from this old photo (courtesy of Bridport History Centre) the stone, behind the visiting vehicle, was originally in a slightly different place than where it now stands at the junction of Lee Lane and the A 35.

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An early version of the Community Bus at the King Charles II Memorial Stone?

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